We take the delivery of our service seriously and know that each client has different challenges. Therefore we’ll help your IAM maturity to a higher level in an incremental way, by determining the best starting point and set up a realistic roadmap to which we can evaluate the implemented results.
In order to properly collect, define and deliver your requirements we follow a continuous delivery cycle that keeps improving and delivering new functionalities if required and agreed upon by you.
Requirements analysis
This step starts the first time we engage with you before we even signed any contract. In this phase we want to get an initial understanding of what you are looking for and if IAM as a managed service is the way forward for you. We do this by means of a so called IAM quick scan which is a light version of the IAM maturity scan. By doing this quick scan we can draw up a high over roadmap and provide an initial quotation for you, free of charge.
When we start delivering the service, this step will function as the registration and analysis of new requirements that come from the evaluation phase and from the process design phase and is used to fill the product backlog with new user stories.
IAM maturity scan
In order to be able to set up a detailed roadmap and to determine where we need to start, we need to establish a baseline of the current maturity level of your IAM organisation. To be able to do this we’ve created the IAM maturity scan. This scan consists of questions divided over 6 key topics within IAM. Depending on the answers given we’ll be able to calculate a maturity rating for each of these key topics. Based on this outcome and based on our experience and your requirements, we’re able to set a maturity goal for you, identify the low hanging fruits and determine the best place to start so we can deliver as much value as possible in the shortest amount of time.
Roadmap advice
With all these requirements gathered, baseline determined and goals set, we can truly fine tune the roadmap and help your IAM to a higher maturity level in a structured manner. The roadmap we co-create together with you will act as a manifest where we’ll keep on mapping the requirements against, so we don’t lose sight of the direction we’re heading. Meaning, that when we receive new requirements from you during the evaluation of an implementation, they will always be categorized and prioritized based on the roadmap that was set. Of course we can deviate from the roadmap and pull certain topics forward if there are no dependencies or other implications on planned work but this is not preferred as we need to be able to deliver the desired maturity level we agreed upon at the start of the implementation.
Process Design
When the roadmap is made and we’ve determined the starting point, we will map the existing processes against our standardized IAM processes. This will of course be done together with the business stakeholders. As we’ve developed multiple best practice processes, we can accommodate most of the processes that are already used within your organisation.
When the processes are defined, agreed upon, designed and the product backlog is filled, we can start with the implementation of the service. As we work in an agile way, we will deliver functionalities at the end of our 2-week sprints. We will only deliver the user stories that were agreed upon in the sprint planning which will be made based on the priority of the user story and the overall roadmap planning. The implementation of new functionalities will off course be managed in conjunction with you, together we make sure everyone is consulted and informed about the planned implementation so that everyone knows what to expect.
After each sprint we’ll evaluate the delivered user stories together with your stakeholders in a sprint demo. In this demo we show the newly implemented user stories and collect feedback from the stakeholders to see if it lives up to their expectations. If changes need to be made or if new requirements come to light, we will add them to the product backlog so we can determine the priority based on the urgency and the overall roadmap so we eventually can assign them to a sprint to be implemented.
Continuous Delivery
By following the above-mentioned process steps, we create a continuous delivery cycle where we keep on delivering new functionalities for you and with that, we keep on increasing your IAM maturity. By building in regular evaluation moments we also ensure that we keep our focus on the your requirements but also aim to improve our own ways of working so we can deliver our service event better and faster.